Yo 〜 ^∀^
Srsly again dont know what to write (・∀・) fail .
Anyway … didn't do anything special in school this week , but I met Saki-chan yesterday and we had a sleep over at bambi's place with Jac ☆ Eto . . . some random ppl came too . .but they didn't sleep over with us .. losers..................what did we do first Dx can't remember O:<
OH ! we watched a movie 8D
When we finished the movie those losers went home 8))
So that means .. It was just the 4 of us 8| and .. we didn't want to watch a horror movie yet cuz it was still sunny x_x so we played HIDE AND SEEK :''3 Sometimes, it was really scary ... I was all alone in a black room or locker ; _ ; and it took them like 100 years to find me T_T but yeah .. it was fun :3 eh i don't really remember what we did after hide and seek . I think we ate after that xD *fat* huhu yeah we did other things too .. and then we watched a ass movie : )
and I falled asleep during half of it xD but hey D8 don't blame me . . wth is that for a horror . . . nothing happened . After the movie .. I needed coffée x'3 it was too much sugar and milk so I was so f*cking hyper 8D but that .. was just for 2 hours .. and then I got tired again so we made some new coffée to drink :''D *drools* This one wasn't so much sugar or milk .. and that held me awake for maby 4 hours. The other's went to sleep at 06.00 x_x I was the only one who wasn't tired D: so I watched anime in bambi's music room .. and I don't really know why and how but I fell asleep on the floor with just a pillow and a .. something.
And i just slept for 2 and a half hour ! And now .. i'm kinda tired xD anyway ..
I think that I had too much coffée last night and today I had seizure moments all day xD *CP RYCK* < - - ( förlåt . var tvungen . . jag vet inte varför jag skriver på engelska för ingen bög som inte kan svenska läser ändå min blogg ) Yeah .. I sounded like a hippoh ( XD ) that was going to die . It was just a fail growl 8) hoho and now I sounds really gay .
Yeah .. enough .. I need to sleep !!! o(≧∀≦)o
Ja ne bye bye ☆ 〜
Kanon is bringing a sexy back ( yeah ) xD